In a world of constant change, where the facts in our life change daily, we need to change our thinking…
Are you looking for a fun, creative and vibrant way to engage your colleagues & students in THINKING STRATEGIES?
Opti-MINDS Professional Development Workshops are designed to help you to:
Opti-MISE your thinking for Opti-MUM performance…
Workshops are designed around the Opti-MINDS process & philosophy, BUT the skills and activities are applicable in ALL arenas.
Elements covered are:
- Team building and Communication Skills
- Innovation
- Creative & Critical Thinking Strategies
- Problem Approach Strategies
- Creative Problem Solving Skills
- Presentation Skills
- THE UNIQUE: “5 Thinking Cats Brain Functioning” and the Opti-CAT Team
Workshops can be tailored to suit specific needs, times and budgets.
Ring to discuss – No Obligation!
Workshops may be arranged according to schools, districts or clusters by ringing the Opti-MINDS Office on 07 3862 6211…..or e-mail us: