Meet the New Team

Daniela Clever
Communications Director
Contact for general enquiries, school and team registration, and Regional and State Finals enquiries.

Deborah Horn
Challenge Director
Contact for Challenge related enquiries, including Challenge rules, clarifications, and philosophy and mission.

Colleen McKelson
Marketing Director
Contact for sponsorship, donations, marketing, and social media enquiries.

About Opti-MINDS
In a world where the ‘facts’ change daily – we need to change our thinking! Opti-MINDS IS the PROCESS of CHANGE…The opportunity to Opti-MISE your thinking for Opti-MUM performance!
Opti-MINDS is a process of PREVENTION – rather than a damage control; it instils a proactive mindset of:
- Capability – “Can Do!”;
- Responsibility – “If not me – then who?”;
- Creativity & Innovation; &
- Unashamed EXCELLENCE, within participants; encouraging them to REALISE their own capacity and responsibility to ‘MAKE the DIFFERENCE’ for themselves – & to come from an “IF NOT, WHY NOT?” stance.